Top Notch Academy Is Offering:
Class Schedule:
3-hour classes for all age groups.
Classes will run from 8am–11am or Noon–3pm.
Morning Class
(3–4 years of age)
3-Day Class
Cost: $158/month
T/W/Th 8am–11am
Afternoon Class
(4–5 years of age)
4-Day Class
Cost: $210/month
M/T/W/Th Noon–3pm
Morning Class
(3 years of age)
2-Day Class
Cost: $120/month
*Registration Fee: $25
The number of participants is limited, so enrollment is based on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is a $25 nonrefundable registration fee for each child.
*Cash or checks only. Make checks payable to Top Notch Academy.
Children in all classes MUST be potty trained.